Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I never really liked math. It has always been my worst subject. I'm not saying this with intent to sound cynical. Hopefully I don't come across as such. I've always gotten A's and B's with little effort in all my classes, but I always found myself struggling to maintain a B-. It was almost a battle everyday I had Math just so I wouldn't drop to a C+. 

Any day I had Algebra seemed like a bad day. My teacher didn't seem to care, along with all the kids in my class. To be honest, at times I found myself not caring also. But I knew if I didn't want this class next year I would have to put away all of my apathy for the next 90 minutes and get things done. 

Now that I'm out of Algebra, I hope that this year in Geometry will be way better. I have a class full of people that I like, whether I knew them until I had this class or not, and a teacher who has a very unique approach to teaching math. I always heard people like Geometry more than Algebra, and from what I can tell, I feel that way too. 

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